Computing RET

The Computing RET program hosted by the University of Notre Dame campus is projected to run for 7 weeks (~40-hours per week) from mid-to-late June to early August in 2024.  (Unavailability for short segments in this window will not impact your eligibility, and is something we can work around.) 

Please note that we anticiapte that this site will primarily be focused on (1) in-service teachers in Grades 3-8 and (2) pre-service teachers who aim to teach in Grades 3-8.  ~8-10 positions are avaiable for teachers at these grade-levels.  That said, we also anticipate ~4-6 slots for in-service high school teachers as well.

Benefits include:

  • A stipend of $7000
  • A stipend of $1500 during the Academic Year for materials to implement developed K-12 curricular module
  • Conference / professional development travel funds
  • 3 non-degree graduate credit hours

(Please contact for additional information and/or resources.)


You can apply to the program via the link found here.


Program Overview: 

  • The Computing RET aims to form partnerships between (1) students and faculty at ND, (2) both in-service and pre-service teachers in grades 3 through 8, and (3) elementary and middle school students.
  • During the summer, teachers will work with personnel at ND on a research project that focuses on the advances, capabilities, and challenges associated with machine learning (ML) / artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms – that are currently driving efforts at companies such as Google, Apple, and Instagram, federal agencies such as the FBI, as well as computer hardware manufacturers such as IBM, Intel, and Samsung.
  • Teachers will translate ideas and lessons from their summer experiences to develop new curriculum to introduce and prepare future generations of students to understand and develop ML/AI software and systems. 
  • Among others, students might begin to understand mathematical techniques (e.g., relatively simple multiply-and-accumulate operations) that are at the heart of computational models that are already pervasive in applications that they use on a daily basis (e.g., ML algorithms to draw a box around individual faces when using an iPhone’s camera), in addition to ethical challenges posed by more capable language generating models such as ChatGPT.  Other projects might focus on “biometrics” (e.g., the use of facial or iris scants for authentication/identification purposes).
  • We aim to share developed materials via multiple channels (at the local, state, and national levels), and will simultaneously work to address newly released computer science standards from the Indiana Department of Education.


Examples of recent RET research projects and associated classroom modules can be found here.